Home / Inspiration / Words on marble: "The key to all of life in the earth is the Holy Spirit"

Words on marble: "The key to all of life in the earth is the Holy Spirit"

I introduce to you a new segment; words on marble, where I  bring you excerpts of classic messages from Pastor Chris and challenge you to tell the message. The idea is not only to play a game, but to bring these indelible words to your remembrance and also give your spirit a jolt.

So, let’s see who would be the first to identify the message below and give us the title. A beautiful gift awaits you if you are the one.

Key verses:

I Corinthians 6: 15 (KJV): “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ?…”

2 Corinthians 6: 16 (KJV): “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

wpid-20150421_080635.jpg Screenshot from the video

“Understand this… We have been born into a spiritual kingdom. We don’t belong here. Don’t you understand? We are not of this world. We don’t belong here. We play by a different set of rules.

We think differently, we talk differently, we act differently, because we are a peculiar people… peculiar, that’s what the bible says about us. We are peculiar… we are different from the rest of the world… we are peculiar. Christianity is not a religion… understand that… it’s not a religion. Someone says, “I am now in the Christian religion”… you are in the wrong place. Christianity is not a religion.

Religion is the phenomenon of the panting of a man’s heart after God, in which case he arranges his mind, plans his activities, towards pleasing that personality he has created in his imagination as god and goes forth to do everything that he can to please him… that’s religion. Christianity is no religion. Christianity is the living pulsating life of God in the human body. It is God at home in a man’s body. It is divinity at work, alive in humanity… that’s Christianity… it is Christ in you… that’s Christianity. It is a relationship between a human being and a real God… that’s Christianity… it is a relationship, not a religion. There’s a big difference. And if that is so, the bible shows us… that relationship changes us. The more we behold Him, the more like Him we become… the more we behold Him, the more like Him we become… so we are changed… we are transfigured. Transfiguration is a change of state… you have to understand that… it’s very important… it’s a change of state. Hallelujah!

Did you know that because you’re born again and you have the Holy Spirit? … now if you haven’t received the Holy Spirit, you have to receive the Holy Spirit because that’s the key. If you have the Holy Spirit in you, no sickness, no disease, no infirmity of the body should have the power or ability to break your body. Now that’s the fact, that’s the reality and it’s important.

If the Holy Spirit is in you, listen, the key to all of life in the earth is the Holy Ghost. Do you know the word of God doesn’t work without the Holy Ghost? See… when God speaks, the Holy Spirit brings it to pass… the Holy Spirit makes the word work. Otherwise it’s empty.” 

About Kene Okoye

A creative writer, banker, pianist, composer and music promoter, Kene documents events and presents his viewpoint in compelling narratives. He sets out to create vivid pictures with his intelligent use of words and seeks to engage, thrill, educate and inspire the reader. Come on and enjoy yourself.


  1. Power packed words! Thanks Kene for this awesome post.
    Was this what Pastor Chris was wearing (as shown in the picture above) when he preached the said message or did you just post a random picture.
    My guess is “We play by a different set of rules” but he was wearing a dark suit in that video

  2. Awesome words! “The Impact Of The Holy Spirit On The Human Body”

    • Thanks iconicsam. You were spot on and have won yourself the maiden gift on the words on marble segment. The message is titled; “The impact of the Holy Spirit on the human body Part 1… a power packed message that every Christian needs to listen to. Please contact me on iamkehno@gmail.com for your gift. Congratulations!

  3. Wow, next time I’m champion. …thank you sir for this new segment

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