Thursday, October 11, 2018
The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works (Psalm 145:17).
As Christians, oftentimes we’re faced with tough challenges; things happen to us and around us that aren’t consistent with our desires, expectations and the will of God for our lives. It may be the loss of a loved one, in spite of your prayers and intercessions, and the situation is causing you serious distraction in your Christian walk.
Now the enemy is throwing thoughts at you; you even think God just wasn’t fair to you or to the victim. In your mind, you hold Him responsible for what happened; you’re thinking, “He could have done something, but He didn’t, despite all my prayers.” But the question you need to answer is, “Who is Jesus to you?” Is it possible for Him to be charged with error? Could He ever make a mistake?
When you find yourself in the kind of situation we’ve described above, there’re two things to consider: first, don’t blame God. Believe that He’s perfect in all things; absolutely perfect. There’re no errors or mistakes with Him. Secondly, don’t ask unwise or foolish questions.
Recognise that at a certain point in our lives, we need more knowledge, because when trouble strikes at that time of ignorance, we pay dearly for our ignorance. The situation could be directly connected to you, or a loved one, but maybe if either you or the victim knew better, the outcome would have been different. It all boils down to one thing: knowledge. So, don’t become overwhelmed to the point that your prayers are all about, “Oh God, why?”
Don’t ask such irrelevant questions, and never think He’s to blame; He often had nothing to do with it. Rather, recognise His perfection; thank Him for always doing all things right, and then determine to know the Word, pressing forward with the knowledge of His Word to change the situations that lie ahead.
Your ability to live a victorious, joyous and prosperous life is dependent on how much of God’s Word you know and live by. Consistently inundate your spirit, soul and mind with spiritual information from God’s Word.
Dear Lord, your faithfulness is ever sure; you’re without injustice; you’re perfect and true in all your ways! Thank you for your grace and wondrous works in my life. Your Word works effectually in me, causing me to be fruitful in every good work, to your praise and glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 18:30; James 1:17; Hosea 4:6
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN Colossians 4:2-18 & Isaiah 52-53
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN Hebrews 4:1-16 & Ezekiel 4
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