Home / Tribute / The Man Behind The Myth – Arinze Uzuke, Ozo Dike Akon’obi (KC Parley

The Man Behind The Myth – Arinze Uzuke, Ozo Dike Akon’obi (KC Parley

KC Parley was his moniker; the young boy from Igbo-Ukwu, with a funny swagger to his walk. He transferred to Dennis Memorial Grammar School (Dengram) from another school and no one could decipher him. Our seniors were fascinated by this funny chap and couldn’t get enough of him

He was said to have come from Kings College Lagos, hence the name KC Parley. Many doubted the authenticity of that tale but with KC however, no one knew where to separate the line between reality and fantasy. Guy was so elusive and smooth and in no time charmed our otherwise unimpressionable House Master; Mr. Nnamdi Okoye (Okoye Nkpor.)

You see, Washington in our time was a unique House. Our 1991 set had a high density of troublesome and troubled youngsters, that you would wonder how in the world were they congregated in one space. They were more interested in flaunting the rules than in positioning themselves for leadership responsibilities (Iyo badge.) That’s a story for another day though. Okoye Nkpor therefore, had a herculean task in profiling and grooming the next set of leaders in the House.

KC’s arrival was that of preparation meeting opportunity. The chap needed to survive and came prepared to fill the gaping void. He was quiet, calm and armed with a disarming smile. Not one to break any rule, KC was the model student to help bring stability to a House that was notorious for all the wrong reasons.

That was how Arinze Uzuke (KC Parley) emerged the Washington House Prefect and yours truly was his Assistant. We were later to find out that truly, Okoye Nkpor was not deceived. He must have seen some qualities in the mysterious guy, that many were oblivious of. Our tenure as Prefects was smooth, as KC Parley and I had a wonderful working relationship and we made great strides in the House.

KC was mature, level headed, not given to flamboyance and shied away from the limelight. Those qualities helped him navigate the terrain; winning him the respect of the senior boys and the admiration of the juniors.

Though we lost contact after school, KC was later to seek me out to be his bestman at his Wedding in Lagos and we have maintained a strong bond since.

That maturity has indeed served KC well outside of the school walls, as he has thrived in business and become influential in his Community, earning him an initiation into the revered Nze na Ozo prestigious society of Igbo-Ukwu.

Today, February 28, 2025, we celebrate a man of many parts, a worthy Dengramite, a consummate Gentleman, a stable leader of men and a dependable ally.

Congratulations to Arinze Uzuke, Ozo Dike Akon’obi, our own KC Parley!

Lux Fiat!

About Kene Okoye

A creative writer, banker, pianist, composer and minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kene documents events and presents his viewpoint in compelling narratives. He sets out to create vivid pictures with his intelligent use of words and seeks to engage, thrill, educate and inspire the reader. Come on and enjoy yourself.

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