The Church: Full Of Glory, Power And Might – Pastor Chris
Friday, August 11, 2017
Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness (Colossians 1:11).
The verse above is part of the prayer of the Spirit through the Apostle Paul for the Church. And since it’s the Spirit’s prayer, it means it’s already been answered. It’ll be wrong now to pray, “Lord, strengthen me with all might”; rather, simply affirm that you’re strengthened, not with some might, but with all might by the Spirit in your inner man. This shows just how powerful we are as Christians. We’re invigorated with miracle-working ability. Blessed be God!
Now, if this were about angel Michael, and how he was strengthened with all might, one might say, “Lord, that’s amazing; he’s such a great angel,” but He’s talking about us in the Church—you and me. We’ve been strengthened with all might, meaning that we’re unlimited in the things that we can do. Nothing is impossible with us; we’re unconquerable.
Even in the face of diverse tests, trials, and persecutions, we’re bold and courageous for, and with the Gospel. There’s strength in us to endure and prevail against adversities, and take a hold of every and any blessing that we may require from within. We’re full of joy, irrespective of our physical condition or our environment.
This is the Church of Jesus Christ; there’s no weakness therein. It’s a glorious Church, a singing Church, a triumphant and thriving Church, full of glory, power and might. Hallelujah!
I’m strengthened with all might from within by the power of the Holy Spirit. I can do all things and change the circumstances of my life to conform to God’s perfect will for me, through His power that’s at work in me mightily. Hallelujah!
FURTHER STUDY: Ephesians 3:20 1 John 4:4
1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Romans 12:17-13:1-14 Psalms 89
2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 15:1-10 Judges 19
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