Home / Rhapsody of Realities Devotional / A Self-healing Mechanism Inside You

A Self-healing Mechanism Inside You

A Self-healing Mechanism Inside You – Pastor Chris

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you (Romans 8:11).

Isaiah 53:5 says, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” This is one of the scriptures that many Christians use all around the world, to claim healing. In reality, however, the Prophet Isaiah was here talking to the Jews and not to Christians. He gives them a preview of the grace of the coming Messiah, and tells them, “…with his stripes we are healed.”

Then the Apostle Peter, in his epistle, looks back at the Cross, and says “…by whose stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24). But he was talking to the Jews. He wasn’t talking to every Christian. The Jews were the ones under the covenant; the covenant of healing was for the Jewish Church, the Old Testament Church. They were the ones healed by His stripes.

The Church of Jesus Christ that was born after His resurrection, in the real sense, doesn’t require healing from God. The Church has a self-healing mechanism. What the Church received is eternal life; eternal life doesn’t need healing. Eternal life is the God-life, the very essence of divinity; life that is “uninfectable,” untainted with sickness, disease and infirmities. If you have eternal life, it doesn’t matter what trouble you may have in your body, if you’d stir up the gift of God—the life of God in your spirit—your whole body will be vitalized.

Our opening text says, “If the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in you, He’ll vitalize your mortal body. The Spirit in you is life-generating. The Bible says the first man, Adam, was made a living soul, the second Adam was made a life giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45). We’re not born after the first Adam; we’re born after the second Adam, Jesus Christ. Jesus never needed healing; and as He is, so are we in this world.

You have a life-giving Spirit resident in you. You were given a life that’s greater than healing. As long as you’re a babe in Christ, you’ll need healing. The Bible calls healing the children’s bread. When you come to maturity, you’ll give up childish things. You won’t be seeking healing. Rather, you’d say, “I’ve got the life of God in me; therefore, I’ll never be sick.” And if you’re used to getting sick, say, “I’ll never be sick again, because I have the life of Christ in me.” Hallelujah!


I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live a triumphant and victorious life every day, far above sickness, disease, the devil and the negative system of this world!

FURTHER STUDY: 1 John 5:13 John 5:26 Romans 8:10

1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Hebrews 11:17-40 Ezekiel 8-10

2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: John 12:1-11 1 Chronicles 14

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About Kene Okoye

A creative writer, banker, pianist, composer and minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kene documents events and presents his viewpoint in compelling narratives. He sets out to create vivid pictures with his intelligent use of words and seeks to engage, thrill, educate and inspire the reader. Come on and enjoy yourself.

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