Home / Rhapsody of Realities Devotional / ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE



Sunday, October 28, 2018


Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).

Whenever you respond to God on the basis of His Word, you’re sure to have a testimony. That’s because faith is the response of the human spirit to the Word of God.

God’s Word always requires a response from you; that response is the proof that you believe the Word. And to the one who “believes,” anything is possible. That means you can do anything, have anything, go anywhere, be anything, as long as you believe. What is it to believe? Believing has nothing to do with mere mental assent; it’s not passive; it’s active. Believing is an action word; it’s the verb of faith.

The question then is, what do you believe? And what can you believe? It doesn’t matter what the problem is, if you can believe, all things are possible to you, and with you. So, it’s about what you believe. What you believe, you become. Believe that you can be pregnant and bring forth your own children! Believe that you can walk again! Believe that you can see again! Believe that you can be whole again!

Perhaps sickness has attacked your home or you have a loved one that’s suffering terribly from a debilitating ailment, and medical science says there’s no cure. For the Christian, there’s no such thing as “no cure”; nothing is impossible, because anything is possible! You can work a miracle and have a testimony even now.

Instead of crying about the situation, lamenting how dire it is, effect a change by acting on the Word. Put your faith to work. Consider Moses and the children of Israel: the Red Sea was in front of them, with the fierce Egyptian army on their trail. Moses cried unto God for help. But God said, “Moses, stretch your hand over the water and divide it.” Moses did as he was instructed, and the Red Sea split wide open.

It makes no difference what’s before you, or behind you, use the Word to effect a change; calm the storm with the Word. Jesus didn’t say “nothing shall be impossible unto God”; rather, He said, “…nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). That means you can do anything, and be everything God has planned for you to be. Hallelujah!


Dear Father, thank you for imparting faith to my spirit, and helping me build it strong with the Word. My faith is alive; there’s nothing impossible unto me; there’re no hopeless situations I can’t change, because I’m strong in faith. Thank you, Lord, for a life of unending victories, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

FURTHER STUDY: Romans 8:35-37; Matthew 17:20

1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN 2 Timothy 4:1-22 & Jeremiah 26-28

2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN James 2:1-26 & Ezekiel 28

Leave comments on today’s devotional at www.rhapsodyofrealities.org


About Kene Okoye

A creative writer, banker, pianist, composer and minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kene documents events and presents his viewpoint in compelling narratives. He sets out to create vivid pictures with his intelligent use of words and seeks to engage, thrill, educate and inspire the reader. Come on and enjoy yourself.

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