Then I heard a voice from the heavenly realm, saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead—the ones dying in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Holy Spirit, “they will rest from their trouble for their deeds will live on!” – Revelation 14:13 TPT

It is still sureal that I am writing a tribute to Donald, whom I sat with two weeks ago to share ideas. Yet, that’s the reality of the fleeting nature of life… Today it is and tomorrow it is no more. What remains is our works, our impact, the legacies we leave for those who are left in the world.
I’ve known Donald for a little above six years and can confidently call him my brother and friend. When I think of him, I think of a life of purpose, a life of impact and sacrifice. This brings to my mind the epitaph penned by the renown English Scholar; John Maxwell Edmonds to commemorate the duty, honour and sacrifice of soldiers of the British Empire at the battle of Kohima…“When you go home, tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow, we gave our today.”
In that famed battle, the valiant soldiers laid down their lives to repel Japanese assault during World War II.
Donald Chukwuemeka Ezih was a soldier of Christ and worked diligently for the Lord till his last day. He fought the fight of faith with no apologies. He sought not his comfort, nor cared for his convenience. He was eager and ever willing to give his best in everything he did. He was a pilgrim and traversed this earth as one.
Exceptionally talented, very resourceful and readily available, he was the go to man when you wanted something accomplished. He can be aptly described as a man without guile… Sincere and unpretentious. With Donald, you get what you see.

Though his passing was sudden, we are comforted by the Word of God, which assures us that he has gone to be with Jesus… to rest from all the troubles in this world and that his deeds will live on.
Indeed, many who mourn him have numerous testimonies of his life of care and sacrifice. A life lived with the understanding that nothing else matters but Christ and the display of His love to a hurting world. He was truly a burning and a shining light!
Today, we celebrate a Hero, a valiant soldier of Christ, a wonderful husband, a worthy son, a great brother and a dependable friend.
We will surely meet again!
For the Lord himself will appear with the declaration of victory, the shout of an archangel, and the trumpet blast of God. He will descend from the heavenly realm and command those who are dead in Christ to rise first. 17 Then we who are alive will join them, transported together in clouds to have an encounter with the Lord in the air, and we will be forever joined with the Lord. – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 TPT
Adieu Donald Chukwuemeka Ezih!
Adieu Mr. Resourceful!!
Adieu God’s Masterpiece!!!
Ka emesia.

Nice write up Kene, May the soul of Donald rest in peace. This is another reminder that this world is not our home. We should number our days and make impact now that will are still living.
The good Lord will comfort you, the wife and the entire family.
Amen. Many thanks Chy
Words can’t capture the true essence of Donald’s life and impacts. Donald was a Christian in the real sense of the word. A compassionate and brilliant young man. He was a friend, a colleague but more of a brother.
May his soul rest in peace
Amen. Thanks Jonathan
Impeccably written.
Shalom Shalom!
Many thanks, Temitope
I pray that the God of all comforts strengthens & upholds his wife and the entire family in Jesus name. God remains faithful🙏
Amen. Many thanks Buki
May the good Lord comfort the wife and family.
Amen. Many thanks Jessy
May the Lord Comfort and Strengthen his wife and family, Amen.
Amen. Many thanks Anita
Hmmm, we love to map out foot prints in the sands of time.. Known from Afar yet drawn to his commitment and passion for service.
I pray comfort and strength of the HolySpirit upon his wife, family and well wishers in Jesus Name, Amen.
I am constantly reminded that someday the Angels would stand by the Entrance just like Bro. Donald and ask my name for for the record of my presence.
Rest well Sir,
Till we meet at the Last Trump.
First flight compliant.
Thank you Sir @Bro.Kene.
An amazing and apt work of the mind put in writing. God bless you Sir
Beautiful. Thanks Cheta