Home / Music / Brilliant video for TB1’s “Untouchable”

Brilliant video for TB1’s “Untouchable”


Here’s another beautiful video to brighten your day… Michael Omoria a.k.a. TB1 fetes us with the brilliant video of his song; “Untouchable” featuring Prince Micah.

A member of the Rap Group; BLW RapNation, featured here, TB1’s captivating style stands him out as he seeks to express himself and share the good news of the Gospel through his music.
On first hearing the song, I couldn’t help chanting along; “I go shout Hallelujah, Victory is mine, So I dey give God the glory, There’s no one like you”. The captivating song was released in November 2014 and in TB1’s words, “This video brings us those lyrics that were once on a page into a colorful artistic piece…”

Click on the link below to enjoy the video; “Untouchable”:

About Kene Okoye

A creative writer, banker, pianist, composer and minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kene documents events and presents his viewpoint in compelling narratives. He sets out to create vivid pictures with his intelligent use of words and seeks to engage, thrill, educate and inspire the reader. Come on and enjoy yourself.


  1. Great song!
    Thanks for sharing this Sir Ken.

  2. Beautiful song. Video is simply splendid. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love it, thanks a lot.

    This is the in thing that we need to do to propagate Jesus into people then help in recovering the economy of God which satan came to steal. So the repentance of people is very important for the bible tells us that there is a great joy in heaven when a soul is repented. The good Shepherd left the 99 sheep and search for one [1] lost sheep. That tells us that God is never happy when a soul dies without repenting , meaning dying in sin. God gave His only begotten son to the world [Jesus]. God send Him to come and die for the atonement of our sins and He obeyed. Obedience is better than sacrifice. He shed His costliest and priceless blood on the cross of calvary to redeem the world. He was crucified, died and was buried and on the third day He rose again from death and ascended to heaven . From there He will come to judge the living and the dead. Be born again so to enter the kingdom of heaven. When one is born again behold old things are past away and all things become new. That is being dead to sin and alive in Christ Jesus. It is only believing, accepting and confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior for with mouth confession is made unto salvation. Ask him to cleanse your sin with His Blood and write your name in the book of life as He delete it from the book of death. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and be your God. Then you read your bible often and meditate with it and also pray with the word of God so that you will grow in it. Then, the word of God will live in you as a spirit and lead you as you do what the word of God says in your daily activities. Those that are being lead by the spirit of God are the sons of God. So when you exhibits Jesus Christ all the time He will lead you. Remember that the bible says that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. …….Thanks a lot for giving me this little opportunity to say something, may God be with you all.

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