Abuja Faith & Miracle Crusade (AFMC) With Pastor Dipo Fisho
What a day! What a Night! What a Mighty God we serve… A God that answers prayers and listens to the desires of His people.

Abuja Faith and Miracle Crusade (AFMC) with Pastor Dipo Fisho was indeed a resounding success!!! We left no stone unturned in setting up the right atmosphere for a grand event and God honoured our faith. The Christ Embassy Abuja Zonal Choir was amazing and led the congregation in worship and honour of our Mighty God.

Our Highly Esteemed Zonal Pastor; Pastor Dipo Fisho shared on “The 3 Cardinal Gifts of God” and went ahead to declare healings, ministering to the people and leading many to Christ. Souls were saved and many filled with the Holy Spirit, diverse miracles and healings took place and many lives were turned around.

The testimonies are pouring in and we are excited to be part of this glorious generation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever! Gloryyyyyyyy!

What a glorious night.
The name of the Lord be praised forever.
Many thanks Sir. It was a glorious display of God’s love and excellence. Hallelujah!
Wow! What a day, what a moment in time! What an audacity of faith displayed by our very own highly Esteemed father Pst Dipo Fisho!
This was a night that would be remembered for all times. This is one of the epistles written that would be added to the “Acts of the Apostles! Multitudes of people added to the kingdom of God in 1 night!! I’m still reeling from the ambience!
Thank God I was a part of it. Thank God I witnessed the workings of the Holy Spirit! Wow! Wow! Wow! What a God we serve!!
Many thanks Doc. Aptly captured.