Tuesday, April 26, 2022

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth… (Romans 1:16).

When you study the Scriptures, you’d find that some soul-winning strategies we’ve often promoted may only be effective theoretically and not practically. For example, we may say bankers should reach the world of bankers with the Gospel, or judges should witness to other judges, etc. While that’s a nice strategy, we should always bear in mind that everyone is fit for the Master’s use; meaning, anybody can reach anybody with the Gospel.
You don’t have to be an engineer to lead engineers to Christ. That’s not how the Word of God spreads. We must all have the mentality that we’re missionaries—God’s agents of salvation everywhere we are—and therefore witness to everyone we meet. Consider the salvation of Naaman, a respected army general who had leprosy. Different people played vital roles in his testimony, especially a young Israelite maid.
The maid started with the general’s wife; she preached to her saying, “…I wish my master would go to see the prophet in Samaria. He would heal him of his leprosy” (2 Kings 5:3 NLT). The woman believed, and that’s how the matter got to the King of Syria and the result was Naaman’s miraculous healing and conversion.

Take advantage of your position, wherever God has placed you, and boldly preach the Gospel. There’re people God has divinely ordained that you’ll be the one to reach them and He’s positioned you accordingly. They may be politicians, entrepreneurs, lecturers, health workers, etc.; yet, God has connected with them in a way that only you can talk to them about Jesus.
Wealthy people have places they eat, order groceries and other supplies. If you happen to run such places or are the delivery person, use the opportunity to tell them about Jesus. If you were the waiter or a butler in a fancy restaurant for only rich people, after attending to them, especially if they leave you a tip, tell them, “Sir, (or Ma’am) I have something for you too”; and then give them a copy of Rhapsody of Realities. That restaurant may be the only place and opportunity such people may have to receive the Gospel.
Let’s take advantage of our opportunities and take the Gospel to everybody. Our message in Christ is true and is no respecter of persons.
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for making me effective in the ministry of reconciliation. I’m an ambassador and a steward of the mysteries of Christ, and a soldier in Christ’s army. I remain militant in bringing God’s Word to those in my world, touching them with the love of Christ and the glory of His grace, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Acts 10:34-35; 1 Corinthians 1:25-29
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 22:1-38 & 1 Samuel 26-28
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Romans 16:1-11 & Psalm 133-134