God has been good to me… Yes, I know!
I would lie, if I were to say otherwise.
As I celebrate another birthday, all I can do is live my name.
KeneChukwu… Thank God.

I Thank God for His faithfulness!
I Thank God for making my life beautiful!
I thank God for blessing me with a wonderful family!
I thank God, most of all, for letting me know that I have Eternal Life!
That is the game-changer!
I’ve tasted and proven this life…
Stared death in the face and came out scarred but unfazed.
Unflinching in the face of perils and believing in the midst of hopelessness.
This knowledge has made me fearless and unstoppable.
What joy, to have the very life of God in me!
The organic and existential attribute of deity coursing through my veins…
Simply overwhelming!
Soro m, Kenee Chukwu!
Enjoy my song: Faithful… a refreshing expression of my gratitude.