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Happy Birthday To The Prolific PDF

It is that special time of the year, that we have a unique window to celebrate our Highly Esteemed Zonal Pastor; Pastor Dipo Fisho (PDF). Happy Birthday Sir! Thank you for standing tall and guiding many others to see and actualize God’s plan for their lives.

When a man takes God’s people as his own and pours his entire life into them, then you know he is indeed called. Our Highly Esteemed Zonal Pastor; Pastor Dipo Fisho (PDF) is remarkable in many ways but stands out in his commitment to the transformation of the lives of the people he leads. Detailed, dexterous and deliberate in his leadership, he painstakingly herds his flock and does not suffer fools gladly.

His commitment to the Gospel and his loyalty to our Man of God; Pastor Chris is top notch. He is a General, commited to His Commander in Chief, leaving no stone unturned in ensuring that he fulfils the Ministry’s vision as articulated by our Man of God. His results are evident for all to see… piloting Abuja Zone to the Church of the Year gong in just 5 years is no mean feat and a fitting recognition for the prolific Church and her prolific Pastor.

He becomes a Child to the Children and easily blends with the Teens, to effectively communicate the Gospel. He joins the LoveWorld Singers in Unending Praise, to the Monarch of the Universe and is often without any care in the world, as he lies prostrate in worship of his King. PDF is lavish in his expressions of thanksgiving and would spare no expense in giving his best for the Gospel. Like David, he is not one to offer unto God, that which cost him nothing.

A loving Father and Husband, his home is a haven to the weary and his Wife and Children are shining examples to their world.

Happy Birthday dear Pastor Dipo. Thank you for the massive impact you’ve had on my family and I. Our prayer is that the Lord will magnify you and magnify Himself in you, He will continually cause you to flourish, you will be like a well-watered garden and like an ever-flowing, trustworthy spring of blessing! Amen!

Indeed, words are not enough!

About Kene Okoye

A creative writer, banker, pianist, composer and minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kene documents events and presents his viewpoint in compelling narratives. He sets out to create vivid pictures with his intelligent use of words and seeks to engage, thrill, educate and inspire the reader. Come on and enjoy yourself.

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